Home ayurveda Effects of Drinking Tea or Coffee on an Empty Stomach per Ayurveda

Effects of Drinking Tea or Coffee on an Empty Stomach per Ayurveda


A cup of hot freshly brewed coffee or tea is the perfect way to kick start you day. We drink it to make us feel fresh and active. But think about this for a second – Has it ever happened to you that that within a few hours of the first cup of tea or coffee you started feeling Dull, Sleepy, Acidity or some sort of Stomach Irritation or Bloating? Read on to know more about what happens when you drink tea or coffee on an empty stomach, and why not to drink Tea or Coffee on an Empty Stomach.

Primary Reasons for Why Not to Drink Tea / Coffee on an Empty Stomach:

  • Body Needs to Rehydrate itself first thing in the Morning.
  • Coffee and Tea are Diuretics in Nature.
  • Increases the Acid Levels inside the Stomach.
  • Increases Toxins In The Body.

Most of us know that Tea and Coffee contains Caffeine, and Caffeine is a stimulant. When consumed it increases our blood pressure, heart rate, alertness, and energy. So you feel active immediately after you finish your cup. But these effects are temporary, and once the caffeine has worn off, your fatigue may feel worse than before due to the following reasons:

Body Needs to Rehydrate itself First Thing in the Morning:

During sleep, our body goes through various chemical processes to heal and repair our body and remove toxins out from various parts of our body. Due to these internal processes, our body becomes dehydrated by the time we wake up.

(The first thing our body needs to do in the morning is to rehydrate itself and flush out all the unwanted substances.)

Coffee and Tea are Diuretics in Nature:

When we drink a cup of coffee or tea, usually soon after that we use the bathroom. When we go to the bathroom, our body loses water. Our body is already dehydrated in the morning, and when it again loses more water with urine, our blood thickens. When our blood thickens, it moves more slowly through our arteries and veins. As our blood circulation slows down, it delivers less oxygen to our body parts including our brain. Without as much oxygen, we become sluggish. To combat the sluggishness and to feel fresh again we reach for more coffee or tea, thus starting the cycle again.

Increases the Acid Levels inside the Stomach:

Hydrochloric acid in our stomach has a very important function to support the digestion of food and is therefore released when we eat, smell or even start thinking about food. Coffee (even decaffeinated one) or tea, has been shown to stimulate the production of acid inside our stomach. In the absence of any food (empty stomach), it can be damaging to the lining of the stomach with repeated exposure. This can cause Acidity, Heartburn or Indigestion after you drink Tea of Coffee on an empty stomach. It also disrupts the Acid Alkaline balance of the stomach. This can also lead to serious health issues like stomach ulcers in the long term.

Increases Toxins In The Body:

Having tea or coffee without eating something and drinking water in the morning, increases the number of toxins build up in our blood due to dehydration and poor circulation of the blood. In the long-term, high levels of toxins in our blood would mean that all our crucial organs like Heart, Liver, Lungs, and Kidneys are at a risk of malfunctioning due to the toxin build-up.

Here Are Few Foods You Can Eat Before Having Your Cup Of Tea Or Coffee

Many of us don’t like to eat anything first thing in the morning. But if you want to protect your stomach from the damaged caused by drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach, here are a few options for you which are also great to have early in the morning according to Ayurveda!

Water! :

Always start your day with a glass of water. It can be a plain water, lemon water, honey lemon water warm water, water with turmeric, or water from a copper vessel. Benefits of drinking water from a Copper Vessel / Copper Bottle are mentioned in Ayurveda, and now have also been scientifically proven! Important is just to start your day by hydrating your body. This simple change in habit can have a major effect on your overall health.

For more information on the ‘Correct Way’ to drink water from copper vessels and its benefits, read my previous blog on this topic, click here:  Correct Way To Drink Water From Copper Vessel


According to Ayurveda, early morning is the best time to eat fruits. Banana is a nature’s own stomach soother. From diarrhea to constipation, banana helps to improve our gut health. Banana also helps to keep sugar and carb cravings at bay. Banana also acts as a prebiotic ( Prebiotics are food ingredients that induce the growth or activity of beneficial gut bacteria called Probiotics ). With antidepressant properties of vitamin present in banana ( B6, B9, and Magnesium) it will lift your mood up and make you feel good!

Soaked Almonds:

There is a reason why soaked almonds are better than eating raw almonds. The brown peel of almonds contains Tannin which inhibits nutrient absorption. When we soak almonds overnight, its peel comes off easily and allows the nuts to release all the nutrients easily. Eat 6 to 8 soaked and peeled almonds before having your tea or coffee. Rich nutrient profile of almonds also helps if you have insulin resistance, diabetes, PCOD, low fertility or poor sleep problems.

Soaked Peanuts:

Peanuts contain vitamins, minerals, nutrients and anti-oxidants and thus are rich energy sources. Eating a handful of soaked peanuts daily also calms your nerves, blood vessels and muscles. This increases the flow of blood in the blood vessels, providing you a healthy and youthful skin as well. Soaking peanuts overnight makes them easily digestible. Hence you would never have gas problems when you eat soaked peanuts.

Black Raisins:

Soak 2 to 3 tablespoons of Black Raisins overnight and drink this delicious raisin water every morning ( and ofcourse eat those yummy raisins!) This is especially useful for someone with terrible PMS or for someone with low energy through the day. If you make eating black raisins a habit, you can easily meet the recommended daily intake of dietary iron and keep Anemia at bay.

To know more about Ayurvedic Benefits of Black Raisin Water read my previous blog on this topic, click here: Black Raisin Water: Blood Purifier For Healthy Skin, Hair, And Body

Choose the option which you think is best for you or try each one of them alternatively as per your choice. You can also share some other healthy options you eat before having your tea or coffee in the comment section, and we will incorporate them in our blog.

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