Home ayurveda Sugandhika (Spinel): Qualities, Shodhana, Marana, Dose

Sugandhika (Spinel): Qualities, Shodhana, Marana, Dose


Sugandhika is very hard, transparent sstome. It is usually found in the Mines of Manikya and Neelam. It is available in different colours like white, green, yellowish white, deep green, rose, blue etc. It is a compound of Magnesium, Aluminium and Oxygen with traces of Iron.

Synonym of Sugandhika

Saugandhika, Sugandhika, Mrudula, Naram, Kangavisha.

Relative density – 3.8 Hardness 7-8.

Availability of Sugandhik

Myanmar, Lanka and in the mines of Manikya and Neelam.

Types of Sugandhik

Many types based on colour.

Qualities of Sugandhika

Madhura, Snigdha, Aphrodisiac, Hrudya, Deepana, Medhya, Balya and Rasayana.


Dolayantra Swedana in Nimbu swarasa.

Read more about Rasashastra Yantra Prakarana here


Mix equal parts of Gandhaka, Haratala and Manashshila in Sugandhika powder, then give bhavana of lemon juice. Prepare chakrikas and subject to eight gajaputas. This yields bhasma of Sugandhika
Read more about Puta Prakarana of Rasashastra here

Sugandhika Dose

¼ ratti to ½ rtti (31.25 mg to 62.5 mg) in divided doses per day

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