Home ayurveda Ardha Kati Chakrasana – Lateral Arc Pose, How To Do, Benefits

Ardha Kati Chakrasana – Lateral Arc Pose, How To Do, Benefits


By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Ardha Kati Chakrasana, in this pose the practitioner rotates half of his waist to one side like a wheel and hence the name. It is called as half waist wheel pose because the bend from the waist sideways resembles half wheel.

Since it makes an arc to the lateral side of the body while in standing position, the pose is also called as ‘The Lateral Arc Position’.

This pose brings good balance to the body. Also lengthens the muscles especially those placed between ribs and pelvis when practiced regularly. Also stretches the muscles of your lower back and opens up your thoracic cavity / rib cage.

It is a beginner level yoga pose and is performed in standing position. It additionally involves side-bend.
Read – Chakrasana (Urdhwa Dhanurasana) Wheel Pose, Method, Benefits, Side Effects


Ardha = half
Kati = waist
Chakra = wheel
Asana = pose

Preparation for Ardha Kati Chakrasana

  • This pose should be performed on empty stomach and preferably on empty stomach.
  • If the pose is done at any other part of the day other than morning, like in evening, food should be consumed 3-4 hours before taking on to the pose. This will not only keep the stomach empty but also will provide the necessary strength needed to perform the pose.
  • The bowel and bladder should be kept empty while starting the asana.
    Read – Health Benefits Of Yoga: Mind And Body

Method of doing

Positioning for the Asana

  • Start with Tadasana.
  • Stand up straight keeping legs closer. Keep back and neck straight. Look ahead.
  • Press on the floor with heels and feet.
  • Keep hands beside body.
  • See that body is perfectly balanced on both legs.

Performing Ardha Kati Chakrasana

  • Slowly raise right hand while inhaling.
  • When your hand is at a horizontal level with your torso, turn palm such that it faces upwards towards the ceiling.
  • With deep inhalation slowly raise right arm above head. See that right biceps touch your right ear. Now your palm is facing towards left side.
  • Slowly stretch right arm upwards.
  • Now exhale and bend slowly towards left giving a full stretch. Look at right palm / fingers. Simultaneously slide left hand (palm) down along left thigh as far as possible. See that you bend laterally and not forwards or backwards. Give a full stretch but don’t bend the right elbow or knees.
  • Stay here for at least 30 seconds. Keep breathing normally.

Release from the Asana

  • Now inhale and release from the arc as you slowly move your torso and right arm up in order to come back to the normal posture. While doing so, feel the pull along a straight line from the waist up to your fingers.
  • Exhale. Slowly drop down right arm sideways down and bring your hand alongside the body.
  • Come back to the mountain pose.
  • Now repeat the same steps on the left side by lifting up left arm while keeping right hand still and arching towards right side.
    Read – Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose, Method, Benefits, Dosha Effect


  • Standing Spinal Twist Pose II
  • Standing Spinal Twist Pose I
  • Trunk Twisting Pose
  • Waist Rotating Pose


Health Benefits

  • Provides good lateral bending and stretch to the spine. It helps in keeping the spine healthy and flexible.
  • Improves flexibility of hips.
  • Gives stretch to the lateral thoracic muscles and increases blood supply to them.
  • Reduces fat accumulated in the abdominal region and waist, tones the waist. 
  • Tones the muscles around the waist, hips and abdomen.
  • Stretches and relaxes the flanks and sides of the body.
  • Lengthens the muscles of abdomen, thigh and hips.
  • Relieves back pain and constipation
  • Good for those having flat foot.
  • Improvises the liver functions.
  • Improves breathing by clear lung blockages.
  • Good warm up yoga pose to prepare the body for more intense yoga poses.
  • Good for the muscles of arms, shoulders, neck and middle back. Therefore this pose can be included in the yoga sequences wherein these muscles are involved.
    Read – Setu Bandhasana – Bridge Pose, How to do, Benefits, Ayurveda Details

Time spent in Ardha Kati Chakrasana

The practitioner should stay for at least 30 seconds in the final pose of Ardha Kati Chakrasana. One should also perform the pose on the opposite side for the same duration.

Impact on Chakras

Ardha Kati Chakrasana activates, energizes and balances the Manipura Chakra i.e. Navel Chakra.

Contraindications, Precautions

Patients suffering from below mentioned conditions should avoid doing Ardha Kati Chakrasana –

  • Knees, hip and shoulder problems
  • Injuries around hips, knees and shoulder
  • Those having abdominal and hip injuries


Do not bend forward or backward in this pose
Read – Chakra – Kundalini: Introduction, Meaning, Types, Location, Ayurveda View

Impact on doshas and tissues

Impact on Doshas –

Since the pose improves digestion and liver functions and also activates the solar plexus, it is beneficial for balancing samana vata and pachaka pitta. Since the pose relieves constipation it is good for balancing apana vata. Since it opens up the chest and improves breathing process, the pose is good for the functions and balance of udana vata and avalambaka kapha.

Impact on tissues – Since Ardha Kati Chakrasana stretches, tones and strengthens the muscles, flanks, spine, hips and joints, it is beneficial for improving and maintaining the muscle, bone and joint health and also for the channels carrying muscle and bone tissue. Since the pose helps in destroying excessive fat accumulated in the body, it is beneficial for the health and balance of fat tissue and the channels of transportation of fat.

Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)

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