Home ayurveda Ayurveda Analysis, Possible Prevention, Treatment Principles, Remedies

Ayurveda Analysis, Possible Prevention, Treatment Principles, Remedies


By Dr Sandeep Bekal and Dr Janardhana V Hebbar
Disclaimer: This is a theoretical article about how far can Ayurveda be useful in preventing or treating the symptoms of CoronaVirus. We are not claiming to prevent it or cure it. Do not follow any advice given in this article (or any part of this website) without consulting your doctor.
We have not cured any patients of Coronavirus with below treatment, neither do we claim that below mentioned treatments cure it. Consider it as a mere conceptual article without any value.

Two important tips

1. If you are running short of hand sanitizer, just use soap and water to wash your hands. It is equally effective to kill the virus.
2. Some say that the Indian government is over-reacting. Corona is not lethal for most, we should get exposed to Corona to develop immunity etc.
Suppose you get infected, your children, parents, grand parents will also get infected.
Mortality rate (death rate) of corona is 8% for people above 70 and 22% for people above 80 years.
If you are of the opinion of the first paragraph, you do not mind losing your parents and grand parents. Good luck with that. But do not kill parents and grand parents of your neighbors, co-workers, friends and other family members.
Keep yourself and your excessive thoughts quarantined. Please follow the government directive.

What is CoronaVirus?

It is a large family of viruses causing illness from the common cold to more severe diseases like the
MERS-CoV – middle east respiratory syndrome AND
Severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS-CoV.
Novel corona virus is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. This is transmitted from animals to man.


Three important symptoms are –
Dry cough
Chest pain, breathing difficulty

Other symptoms
Stuffy nose
Headache, bodyache, finger joints, joint pains especially associated with fever
Shortness of breath

Symptoms In severe cases
Severe acute respiratory syndrome
Kidney failure
Generally more than 80% of the infected lot develop only mild form of the disease.
A little above 10% develop severe form.

Ayurveda – Epidemic Diseases

Concept of Epidemic Diseases in Ayurveda:
Ayurvedic scholars and exponents of antiquity like Sushruta and Charaka recorded communicable and epidemic diseases in their works as aupasargika roga and janapadodhvansa respectively.

The concept of janapadodhwamsa mentioned in Ayurveda refers to the situation where there is wide spread damage to environment as well as life forms. Janapadodhvansa literally means destruction or annihilation of communities or settlements. Epidemics and outbreaks of highly communicable diseases have blighted mankind since time immemorial.

Charaka Samhita’s reference about highly communicable diseases, prevention tips Charaka Samhita, Vimana Sthana 3rd Chapter.

Thought provoking questions by Agnivesha

How do all individuals having different physical constitution etc., suffer from the same diseases, due to the same set of causative factors? •common factors which often get adversely affected, resulting in simultaneous outbreak of diseases having similar symptoms that destroy communities. The common factors which affect mass population are vayu (air), udaka (water), desha (land) and kala (season).

Modes of transmission:
Sushruta Samhita Nidana Sthana 5th Chapter
Prasanagat – close interaction
Gatra samsparshat – physical contact with the diseases individual
Nishwasa – through inhalation, droplet infection
Sahabhojanat – close contact such as sharing food
Sahashayya – sleeping together
Asana – using same sitting arrangement
Vastra – using same cloth
Using the same cosmetics
Malya – wipes and hand kerchief

Understanding Corona Through Ayurveda

Samprapthi ghatakas – Pathology blocks

Dosa – In severe cases, all the three Doshas are vitiated, with specific aggravation of Kapha DOsha.
Dooshya – Rasa Dhatu – nutritious fluid formed after digestion – Usually in all fevers, Rasa dhatu is directly involved.
Agni – manda – low digestion strength
Ama – Sama – Symptoms of Ama – altered digestion and metabosim are evident.
Srotas – Pranavaha srotas – respiratory tract, Rasavaha Srotas – Rasa channels
Sroto dusti prakara – atipravritti and sangha – Excessive flow, blockage
Avasta – atyayika avasta – Requires immediate care
Site of origin – Udhbava sthana – Agantuja – external factor – a virus, Amashaya – Stomach – usually the site of origin of fever.
Spread area – Sanchara sthana  – urdhwa shareera – upper part of the body
Symptoms exhibited area – Vyakta  – urdhwa shareera – upper part of the body, where Kapha is naturally dominant.

Treatment for communicable diseases:

Panchakarma – five elimination therapies (viz., emesis, purgation, enema- niruha and anuvasana types and errhines) are considered the best.
Rasayana chikitsa (rejuvenation treatment with anti ageing, immune boosting medicines)
Symptomatic treatment

Non-medicinal treatment:
Truthfulness, compassion for living beings, charity, sacrifices, worship of God, observance of right conduct, tranquility, prophylactic protection of oneself and seeking one’s own good, residing in a wholesome country,service to those observing  brahmacharya (celibacy) and following it. 
Discussion of religious scriptures, constant association with the righteous, the well disposed and those who are approved by the elders- all this with a view to protecting life has been termed ‘medicine’ to those who are not destined to die in that critical time.

Possible Principles of Corona Management with Ayurveda

Principles of management of Corona:
For the conditions affecting pranavaha srotas one has to adopt Shwasa chikitsa – the treatment recommended for Breathlessness and related disorders.

Principles of management of shwasa
Main emphasis is on Vata Kapha
With an emphasis on pitta sthana.

External massage with karpooradi thaila or Lavana Taila – sesame oil mixed with rock salt
Followed by nadi sweda (sweating treatment through pipes)
Prastar (exposing to hot materials and inducing sweating) and
Sankara sweda (bag of heated herbs used for sweating)

This treatment helps to open up clogged passages of respiratory tract.
This also enables the easy movement of vata Dosha in respiratory tract.

Treatment based on the condition of the patient and Dosha
Durbala – with less strength – improving strength and immunity
Balawan –  good strength – Panchakarma detoxification procedure, as the patient strength is good and he can tolerate strong procedures
Kaphadhika – kapha is increased – Vamana Panchakarma
Vatadhika – vata is more – Basti – Enema treatment
Kaphadhika and balawan – Panchakarma and rasayana prayoga (rejuvenating medicines)
Durbala and vatadhika – Weak and Vata aggravated condition – tarpana – nourishing treatment

Management of dry cough:
Dry cough is a common manifestation and therefore it has to be managed with snehana (supplementation of oleaginous material). It is treated with
Gritha – rasna dashamooli gritha, vasa gritha, kantakari gritha, vidaryadi gritha etc..
Basti – Enema treatment – As relevant – mostly anuvasana Basti – oil or fat enema
Ksheera – medicated herbal milk – Eg: Garlic milk or Long pepper milk
Yoosha – soups added with trikatu (ginger, pepper, long pepper)
Fat rich diet mixed with spices
Administer foods like barley, kodo millet, finger millet, oats
You slightly spice up the dishes that you consume, especially with trikatu – ginger, pepper and  long  pepper.

Dhoomapana – herbal smoking:
When the Doshas are aggravated in minute quantity in respiratory tract, then they may produce a discomfort with mild wheeze (with a block in the air way there is a typical musical sound that is produced) heard.
In such instance herbal smoking is very useful in reliving the block and congestion in the respiratory tract.
Method of herbal smoking:
Turmeric, castor leaves
Laksha ( Lollifera laca)
Devadaru ( Cedrus deodara)

The above are purified appropriately and then powdered and made into a wick with ghee or oil and then dhoomapana is done.

Simple combination for herbal smoking:
If only a few ingredients are available then use them accordingly. •Simple and effectively we can use turmeric and along with cinnamon, cardamom and clove. •Powder the above and mix them well and then smear them on a thin cotton cloth dip it in a little of sesame oil or ghee then use It for dhoomapana.

Swedana – sweating treatment:
Local fomentation through various means when there is a cold nose and chest congestion.
Fomentation can be in the form of dhara (pouring warm or hot liquids or oil).
Using kanji( fermented gruel), dhanyamla (fermented liquid), takra for dhara is ideal.
Oil such as karpooradi thaila, chinchadi tahila, marichadi thaila etc is helpful.
Bags of some monocots, dicots and legumes can be used for fomentation.
Eg : sesame, horse gram, black gram, wheat etc they can be used dry or wet immersing them in amla dravya (kanji, dhanyamla, buttermilk)

Pachana and Agni deepana – treatment to improve digestion:
Sanjeevani vati
Samshamani vati
Agnitundi vati
Kravyada rasa
Chitrakadi vati
Shivakshara pachana choorna

Vamana treatment:
Madana phala yoga along with licorice, rock salt, in the form of herbal paste (lehya) for easy administration or it may be used in the form kashaya or phanta (hot infusion)
Note – if vamana is done in the absence of kapha dosa then it may lead to problems.

Management of fever:
The type of fever considered here is Agantuja jwara – fever due to external causes, in this case, virus.
Here the emphasis is on vata dosha
Gritha kalpana such as the
Indukanta gritha
Sukumara gritha
Kalyanka gritha are used.

Medicines used in pranavaha srotas  
Taleesadi choorna
Sitopaladi choorna
Karpooradi choorna
Shatyadi choorna
Dhanawantara vati
Shwasa kasa chintamani rasa

Elakanadi kashaya
Balajeerakadi kashaya
Dahamoolakatutrayadi kashaya
dashamoola hareetaki
Gomutra hareetaki – useful in fever associated with cold, cough

Fever medicines –
Langhana (fasting or light diet) initially
Followed by anti-fever medicines
Amritottara kashaya
Drakshadi kashya
Sudarshana ghana vati
sanjeevani vati
Pariapatadi khada
Tribhuvan keerti rasa
Mritunjaya rasa
Godanti bhasma etc…

Symptomatic treatment:
Headache – steam inhalation  with marmani lepa
Diarrhea with fever – Ananda bhairava rasa
Body ache – mild sweating treatment
Cold –
lakshmi vilasa rasas,
varanadi kashaya,
kanchanara guggulu – especially when Kapha is high

Ayurvedic Prevention Remedies For Corona

Common methods to prevent infection spread
Regular hand wash –
Covering the mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing
Thoroughly cooking meat and eggs.
Avoiding contact with those showing symptoms of coughing or sneezing.
Food should be warm and freshly made.

Precaution for roots of entry
The root of entry are suitable for the virus are the exposed areas.
These areas have to be secured and there is primary reference for this in Ayurveda in terms of dinacharya- healthy daily regimen

Precaution for roots of entry
Vamana – kapha kala – spring season
Anjana – eye collyrium
Nasya – nasal medication administration
Dhooma – medicated smoke
kavala gandoosha – oil pulling or gargle
Karna poorana – for the ear
Abhyanga – oil massage regularly
Dhoopana – for the environment

Vamana – kapha kala
This being the vasanta rithu and the time when the kapha dosa accumulates.
As the kapha accumulated in excess can always predispose to the diseases of respiratory tract and precisely the COVID – 19 has an affinity to respiratory tract.
Therefore if kapha is in excess one has to eliminate the kapha dosha as per the eligibility of the patient.

Anjana – eye
The eye salve is very useful.
You may use the eye drops as mentioned in ayurveda – souveeranjan.
Market available eye drops also may be used alternatively.

Nasya – nasal medication
Anuthaila nasya is mentioned for regular use but one may use this as per the requirement. •One or two times a day at least.

Dhooma – medicated smoke
Medicated smoke inhaled through mouth and exhaled through mouth is the method mentioned in Ayurveda.
Kavala – gandoosha – oil pulling or gargle
•This is a method of mouth rinse or gargle with appropriate material like decoction, oil, ghee etc.

Karna poorana – for the ear
Application of appropriate oil to the ears.
Kshara thaila
Vacha lashunadi thaila
Marichadi thaila

Dhoopana – Fumigation
Aparajitha (Clitorea ternatea) dhoopa is a very good treatment for disinfecting the environment
Agaru – agarwood
Devadaru – Cedarwood
Vacha – Acorus calamus

Abhyanga – oil massage regularly
Doing oil massage regularly is a very important maneuver which is to be done with slight modification.

Ayurvedic Medicines For Corona Prevention

Rasayana – anti aging medicines working on respiratory tract:
Agastya rasayana
Chyavana prasha
Bramha rasayana
Kamsa hareetaki
Dashamoola hreetaki
Eladi lehya
Chitraka hareetaki

Immune boosters
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
Amalaki ( Embelica officinalis)
Yasti madhu ( Glycyrrhiza glabra) – Licorice
Ashwagandha (withania somnifera)
Vidari kanda
There are many more herbo-mineral preparations that are useful.

Kirata Tikta
Most of the spices spices

Avaleha – herbal jam
Chyawanprash •
Agastyaharitaki Rasayana
Shwasahara leham

Churna – herbal powders
Sudarshana Churna
Talisadi Churna,
Sitopaladi Churna

Arishta – Fermented liquids
Bhunimbadi Kada

Kashaya – herbal teas/  decoctions
Nimbamritadi Panchatikta kashaya
Nagaradi Kashaya
Dashamoola Katutraya
Kashaya Panchatikta kashaya
Tiktaka kashaya
Mahatiktaka kashaya

Tablet options –
Vyaghradi gulika
Gopichandanadi gulika
Kombanchadi gulika
Panchanimbadi vati
Agasthyavyoshadi vataka
Tulsi Ghanavati
Sudarshan vati
Samshamani vati
Trishun tablet
Vilwadi gulika
Vettumaran Gulika

Hebbar’s preventive Medicine Choices

Dr Hebbar’s personal choice of prevention medicines
4 Tulsi leaves per day
Nimbamritadi panchakatikta kashaya
fever – anti viral / immunity bosoter – Guduchyadi kashaya / Amrutottara kashaya
For prevention against respiratory symptoms:
Dashamoolarishta  /  Dashamoola katutraya kashaya, Shwasahara Leham, Chyawanprash.

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