Home ayurveda Dinacharya Ayurvedic Daily Morning Routine To Stay Healthy And Vibrant

Dinacharya Ayurvedic Daily Morning Routine To Stay Healthy And Vibrant


Dinacharya Ayurvedic Daily Morning Routine is a very important part of Ayurvedic treatments. Having a consistent routine creates regularity in body and mind. When we are able to fill each day with essential self-care practices, eat at proper times and create a regular sleep schedule, our body functions at its higher level.  Our focus, clarity and emotions become stabilized and our hormones balanced. Our overall energy level increases. Our self-worth and wellbeing also begins to shine. Read on to know more about the daily morning routine mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures to start your day healthy and vibrant.

Wake-up Time

According to Ayurveda, a healthy person should get up from bed at Brahma Muhurtha ( the time from 3 AM to 6 AM is considered as a Brahma Muhurta). One should try to wake up at least 1 to 2 hours before sunrise. This is the time of the day when there is most Sattva (loving energy) or freshness in the air. This sattvic energy of early morning brings peace of mind and freshness to the senses. This time is considered to be the purest time of the day. It is an excellent time for learning of any kind.

Younger children, older people, new parents, as well as those who have fever or diarrhoea are exceptions to this rule. As they need enough sleep and rest than others.

Positive Thinking

Before getting out of the bed, close your eyes for a few moments and sense the loving/sattvic energy of the cosmos. Take 2, 3 deep breaths and imagine golden, loving and compassionate cosmic energy entering into your heart chakra (centre of your chest). Feel a sense of grace expanding throughout your body. You can also say few positive affirmations. This will kick-start your day with positivity.

With just a few minutes and some positive actions, you can start your day positively. It will have a significant effect on your mood and level of productivity over the remaining hours of the day.


A bowel movement first thing in the morning is a sign of good health. Evacuation in the morning, once you wake up, is strongly recommended by Ayurveda, as waiting longer could increase the Ama or toxins / poisonous substances in the body, giving rise to dosha imbalances or diseases.

Drinking 1 to 2 glasses of plain water (room temperature or warm) immediately after waking up helps to create a natural urge for a bowel movement. Ideally, keep water overnight preferably in a copper container

by your bedside and drink it in the morning. Copper increases ionization in water and makes it alkaline. This copper infused water helps to cleanse the body and also has many other amazing Ayurvedic health benefits.

Cleanse Your Sensory Organs

Wash your face, eyes, brush your teeth. From ancient times, small natural twigs have been used to brush teeth in many Asian countries like India. These particular trees/twigs have many important ayurvedic and medicinal properties. For example, Neem (Bitter), Babul Khair (Astringent), Karanja (Pungent) and Yashtimadhu (Sweet) were widely used. These twigs cleanse the mouth, strengthen the gums, kill bacteria, reduce bad breath and balances Kapha Dosha.

If it’s not comfortable for you to use natural twigs as a toothbrush then you can at least try to use a fluoride free natural toothpaste to clean your teeth. The qualities of the herbs present in this natural toothpaste will not only clean your mouth but also balance your Kapha Dosha in the morning.

Scrape your tongue:

The white or yellow coating on the tongue is a sign of Ama/toxins according to Ayurveda. It should be cleaned as soon as we wake up in the morning. Regular tongue scraping helps to stimulate the internal organs, improves digestion and increases clarity of mind by removing heaviness/toxins from the head. Make sure to use a good quality tongue scraper. You can also use an antimicrobial copper tongue scraper.

Oil Pulling: 

Oil pulling is the practice of swishing or holding natural oils from plants in the mouth for a particular period of time to clean and detoxify teeth and gums. Oil pulling also has other health benefits too. To know more about oil pulling click here.

Nasya (cleansing of nasal passage)

It is also recommended to clear your nose and respiratory channels. Nasya practice should be learned only from the experts. The device which is used for Nasya is called Neti pot.


Indulge in some sort of physical activity like Yoga, morning walk, breathing exercises, etc. As early morning is Vata dosha time, it is good for flexibility exercises. Exercising early in the morning will improve blood circulation, strength and endurance. It will recharge and rejuvenate your body and mind for a productive day. On busy days at least try to do 5 to 10 minutes of stretching to boost your energy level.

Perform Abhyanga Oil Massage

Perform Abhyanga (oil massage) to scalp, forehead, temple, ear, hands, feet and the rest of the body. The best thing about Abhyanga is that you can do it on your own at home in the form of a self-massage. No need to go any special place to do it and all it takes is 15 minutes! A daily massage can help to keep your body strong and prevent you from premature ageing.

After abhyanga take a shower with warm or lukewarm water. Use chemical free natural soap to clean your body to stay away from harsh chemicals which are not good for your body.

Read my previous blog to know more about how to do Abhyanga at home in only 15 minutes!.


It is important to meditate in the morning as well as in the evening. Just 20 minutes twice a day of the meditation has the potential to regulate cortisol, the stress hormone, and increases serotonin (happiness hormone) which is a sign of relaxation, ultimately reducing stress and feelings of anxiety.


Breakfast should be warm, nourishing and wholesome. A cooked grain (like oatmeal), a cup of dal (lentil soup), soaked nuts/seeds with fresh fruits are good options to start your day. You can also drink some herbal teas with your breakfast. Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast.

From here on, you can start your daily chores, be it work, study or other duties. Throughout the day, try to remember to connect with the sense of a loving energy of a larger cosmos.

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