Home ayurveda Lifestyle Changes Needed As You Enter Your 30s

Lifestyle Changes Needed As You Enter Your 30s


Somewhere around our mid-20 when we start to settle into our jobs, our ambitions become the most important thing to us. We get busy building our careers. We’re in the thinking and planning phase of our lives. We’ve got this fire burning inside us to become something in life. This abundant energy to progress in life comes from the influence of Pitta Dosha on our bodies. But if the Pitta Dosha gets aggravated in our 30s, it leads to all sorts of imbalances in our lives in the form of poor health, anger, anxiety, impatience, depression, etc. All this adds to our so called ‘Mid-life Crisis‘. Ayurveda suggests some habits and lifestyle changes to be done after age 30, which will help make our mid-life Productive, Happy and Peaceful all at the same time! ?

Influence of Different Doshas on Our Age :

According to Ayurveda, different stages of our lives are deeply influenced by each of the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and KaphaIf we divide our average lifespan into three parts:

  1. The first one-third which is childhood to puberty is dominated by Kapha Dosha.
  2. The middle one-third which is puberty to age 50 is dominated by Pitta Dosha.
  3. The remaining one-third age 50 and above is dominated by Vata Dosha.

To learn more about what are Doshas and how they affect you and your personality, read my previous blog on this topic, click here.

Keep in mind that the transition between these separate stages does not occur overnight. Instead, it is a gradual transition in which the influence of one dosha begins to decline just as the influence of another dosha begins to increase.

Here I am going to talk about the influence of pitta dosha on our midlife. As we enter the 20s, the Kapha nature of youth starts to decrease, and the Pitta nature gradually starts taking over. By the time we reach age 30, we are under a major influence of pitta dosha nature, and it stays that way until we reach the age of 45 to 50.

Build a Healthy Foundation in Your Midlife:

Self-care practices followed during the 30s – pitta stage of our lives, serve us by preventing accumulation excess pitta and its bad effects during these decisive years of our lives. These self-care practices also act as a critically important preparation for the later (Vata) stage of life.

Depending on the habits (good or bad) developed during the Pitta Dosha stage of our life, they will have either a pacifying (positive) or an aggravating (negative) effect on our elder-hood.

If we enter the Vata stage of our life already delicate and depleted (physically and mentally), there is even less vitality available to us when we enter this naturally inflexible vata stage of life. Whereas if we cultivate health and balance during the pitta stage of life, our bodies are much better prepared to age gracefully. Also, these habits are much easier to maintain and refine during an earlier stage of life, than if we are just starting to learn about self-care at the age of fifty.

Habits And Lifestyle Changes To Be Done After Age 30:

We can ensure the balance of pitta with adequate calming, slow, grounding, cooling energies, and proper nourishment of our body and mind. An awareness of the increased pitta can certainly help us to prevent imbalances. Click here to know the signs of Pitta imbalance.

1. Avoid Direct Sunlight

Sunlight exposure has a direct effect on increasing Pitta. Always wear a cap, hat or carry an umbrella with you when going out in the sun.

2. Eat Less Spicy Foods

Spicy food increases pitta imbalance so try to cut it down a bit as you enter 30s. Eat pitta pacifying foods that are cooling, nourishing and energizing. These foods help to calm pitta by balancing excess internal heat and acidity, preventing inflammation. One can also include more raw foods, especially during the spring and summer months. To balance Pitta, eat foods with sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes. We need to be a little careful with sweets. Though it balances Pitta, excess consumption may cause weight gain in some people.

To understand in detail about how to balance Vata, Pitta and Kapha with correct types of food for each type of dosha, read my previous blog on this topic, click here.

3. Have Bit More Of Milk and Ghee

Ghee increases digestive strength and at the same time it decreases Pitta. Hence, it is ideal. It also keeps gastritis away, so it is good for people with a sensitive stomach. Both milk and ghee are said to have Rasayana (antiageing) effect on the body. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that cow milk is the most sattvic (mentally calming) and nourishing of foods.

Ghee is not your regular butter. It is much more than that. Ghee has numerous health benefits, which surprisingly also includes Weight Loss!  Read my earlier blog on this topic, click here.

4. Stop Being Angry ?

Anger and Pitta are related. The more you lose your cool, the more aggravated your pitta will be. Hence, try to control anger as much as possible. If you try Yoga and Pranayama, it will definitely help you. Pranayama will help you in getting clarity of thinking and will make you more organized. Remember to practice deep breathing during tensions. Deep breathing has a calming effect on our nervous system.

5. Apply Coconut Oil To Hair Regularly

In India, application of Coconut Oil is usually recommended to take care of dry hair, hair loss, etc. Coconut oil is also pitta-pacifying and can reduce hair issues associated with aggravation of pitta dosha. Premature grey hair is due to Pitta imbalance in the body.

6. Sleep And Wake-up On Time

If we divide night into three parts, the first half is dominated by Kapha Dosha. Hence, going to bed at this time means getting good sleep. Sleep is influenced by Kapha Dosha. But if we postpone the sleep to later hours, Pitta will be dominant at that time, leading to dizziness and headache the next morning. Hence try to sleep as early as possible. Fix the sleeping time to not later than 10-11 PM.

7. Avoid Sitting For Long Periods Of Time

Recent scientific studies have shown that ‘sitting is new smoking’. Try to take a small walk every couple of hours during your work day to increase your lifespan.

8. Avoid Hot Water Baths

Take lukewarm or cold water baths especially during the summer season to keep your pitta in balance.

9. Stop Smoking And Reduce Alcohol, Tea, Coffee Intake

Smoking is always bad no matter at what age you are in. Alcohol, tea and coffee all are acidic in nature and they lead to an imbalance of pitta. Excess of coffee and tea leads to all sorts of acidity problems. You might have noticed that people often start facing acidity problems after they enter their adulthood. Pitta stage of life brings with it a number of vulnerabilities that are easily anticipated, one of them is a hyperacidity. Also, read my other blog on Why Not To Drink Tea Or Coffee On An Empty Stomach

10. Eat Soaked Raisin and Almonds

Soak 5 to 10 black raisins, and 7 to 8 almonds water at night. The next day morning before having anything, peel off the almond skin and eat them along with the soaked raisins. (This raisin soaked water is delicious to drink as well). Both of these help to keep Pitta under check. Eating this before having tea or coffee will also reduce the acidic effect caused by drinking tea and coffee on an empty stomach.

11. Exercise

Life is full of excuses, but physical activity should be an essential part of your life. Being fit in the 30s will help you breeze through the next few decades of your life with minimal health issues. If the physical activity hasn’t been a priority in your 20s, start now by setting reasonable goals. Begin with activities you enjoy and slowly build up your endurance. Physical activity doesn’t need to be complicated. Something as simple as a daily brisk walk can help you live a healthier life. Following are the benefits of a simple brisk walk:

  • Maintains a healthy weight
  • Prevents or manages various conditions including heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes
  • Strengthens your bones and muscles
  • Improves your mood
  • Improves your balance and coordination

All these 11 practices I mentioned above are easily doable, does not cost you anything. They will enhance your life and will help you enjoy the best days of your life to the fullest!

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