Home ayurveda Ayurvedic Benefits of Black Pepper for Healthy Digestion of Food

Ayurvedic Benefits of Black Pepper for Healthy Digestion of Food


Black pepper ‘The king of spices’ is one of the most commonly used spices around the world. When added to the recipes black pepper instantly enhances the flavor and the taste of the food. Many of us might not know but this tiny little medicinal spice is packed with a number of important digestive health benefits. It also increases absorption of the nutrients in the foods. Read on to know more about the important Ayurvedic properties and health benefits of black pepper for Digestion and Dosha Balancing.

Ayurvedic Properties Of Black Pepper

Qualities (Guna)- It is Light, Dry.

Taste (Rasa)- It is Pungent, Bitter.

Energy (Virya)- It is Hot.

Its Effect on Doshas- Balances ‘Vata’ and ‘Kapha’ dosha. Increases ‘Pitta’ dosha.

How Does Black Pepper Help Your Digestive Health?

Improves Digestion:

Black pepper is an excellent spice for sparking the digestive fire. It promotes hydrochloric acid secretion inside the stomach which eases the digestion of the proteins and other food components. Secretion of digestive juices also helps in increase in appetite. Black pepper also has a cleansing effect on the intestines.

Enhances Bio-availability Of The Nutrients:

Black pepper when added to the food, not only makes it delicious but also helps make the nutrients present in the food more available and accessible to our body. For example, when the freshly ground black pepper is added to turmeric milk or turmeric tea, it increases the bioavailability of the curcumin by 1000 times.

You may also like to read my recipe of Turmeric Latte / Turmeric Milk Ayurvedic Recipe And Importance Of Spices Used

Prevents Gases:

When the body’s production of digestive juices is insufficient, food may sit in the stomach for an extended period of time. This leads to heartburn or indigestion. When this undigested food passes through intestine it may serve as a food source for unfriendly gut bacteria. The activity of these unfriendly gut bacteria produces gas, irritation, diarrhea or constipation. Black pepper has long been recognized as a carminative (a substance that helps prevent the formation of intestinal gas)

Removes Toxins:

Regular intake of black pepper promotes sweating. Sweating removes toxins and excess of water out of the body. Black pepper also has a cleansing effect on the liver which improves its function. Black pepper also acts as a diuretic (promotes urination) which helps to remove uric acid, excess water and fat (4% of urine is made up of fats) through urine.

Kills Parasites:

Black pepper has the ability to warm our internal body and thereby contribute to a reduction in parasites inside the stomach. Studies also show that black pepper has a toxic effect on malaria-causing parasites.

Use some freshly ground black pepper regularly in your favorite dishes, herbal teas or turmeric latte/ milk and keep your tummy Happy and Healthy.

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