Home ayurveda Benefits of Drinking Cumin (Jeera) Water Kadha in an Ayurvedic way

Benefits of Drinking Cumin (Jeera) Water Kadha in an Ayurvedic way


Cumin (Jeera) is known as the Herb Of The Stomach. Cumin seeds are pacifying to Vata and Kapha Dosha and are gentle stimulant of Pitta Dosha. There are many Ayurvedic benefits of Cumin jeera water kadha for stomach ailments like Acidity, Bloating, Indigestion, Stomach ache, Flatulence. But in addition to these, there any many more relatively unknown benefits of Cumin.

Cumin seeds are a staple herb in Indian cuisine. It gives character to almost every Curry, Lentil or Chutney. Also, it’s use in cooking is very medicinal in nature as it has the ability to dissipating gas formation from complex carbohydrates like pulses, beans etc.

Starting your day with a glass full of Cumin (jeera) water can be the best choice you can make for improving your digestion and weight-loss goals. But thats not all, there are many more amazing benefits of Cumin water. Let us have a deeper look…

Benefits of Drinking Cumin Water (Jeera Kadha)

1. Improves Digestion

The presence of thymol and other essential oils like cuminaldehyde in cumin seeds stimulate the salivary glands and digestive glands inside the stomach which aids in proper digestion of food. Apart from this, it strengthens a sluggish (slow) digestive system. Hence, if you do suffer from indigestion try drinking some jeera water first thing in the morning.

2. Helps In Weight-loss

Cumin water can help in burning calories faster by increasing the speed of metabolism and improving digestion. When you have a healthy digestive system and a faster metabolism, it will directly help your weight-loss process.

3. Regulates Blood Pressure and Heart rate

Cumin seeds are high in potassium content.  It helps to regulate blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of excess salt on the body. The more potassium you eat, the more sodium you lose through urine.  Potassium also helps to ease tension in the blood vessel walls, which helps further lower blood pressure and maintain healthy heart rate in the body.

4. Helps prevent anaemia

Cumin contains high amount of iron. Iron is the main component in the production of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin carries and transports oxygen throughout our body. Low iron intake also results in low energy levels. Drinking Cumin water on a regular basis can improve and maintain healthy iron level inside the body.

5. Great during and after pregnancy

Cumin’s properties of relieving constipation and improving digestion greatly help pregnant women deal with pregnancy symptoms like nausea and constipation. The high amount of iron and calcium content in the cumin increases the secretion of milk from the mammary glands, and thus promotes lactation in pregnant women without any side effects.

6. Helps to deal with insomnia

Cumin seeds can help you to have a goodnight’s sleep. Cumin seeds consist of high amount of melatonin (sleep regulating hormone) in it. It also contains significant amounts of iron and magnesium, which are all essential for regulating brain activity and inducing sleep in a timely manner. Having glass of cumin water just before going to bed can give you better sleep.

7. Enhances memory function

Cumin helps in promoting better mental health and sharpen the memory by nourishing the brain cells. It has the ability to stimulate central nervous system to be more effective.

8. Regulates blood sugar levels

Drinking cumin water on a regular basis can help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels. According to one research study, fibres present in cumin seeds (12%)  were reported slow absorption of sugar in the blood and helped improve blood sugar levels of the patients. In addition, ascorbic acid, niacin, copper and manganese present in cumin seeds were reported to exhibit anti-diabetic effect.

9. Improves sexual health

Cumin seeds are also rich in zinc content, which is known to improve sperm production. Potassium and other elements present in cumin also help to address erectile dysfunction, virility issues and premature ejaculation.

10. Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair

Cumin water contains  high amounts of potassium, selenium, copper, calcium and manganese which help in rejuvenating the skin. It prevents acne and protects the skin from infections. It also helps to lighten scar marks. Topical application of cumin also helps to regulate sebum glands and give a naturally glowing complexion. The rich amount of minerals and vitamins present in cumin seeds helps to nourish the hair roots and add a shine to them.  its antioxidant properties strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss.

11. Detox

Cumin water is also useful as a detox to remove stubborn fat in the body.


How to prepare Cumin (Jeera ) water Kadha in an Ayurvedic way according to the season

Any Ayurvedic decoction made using spices generates heat in our body and excess consumption of the same can give adverse effects. So, it is very important to prepare the concoction in the correct way and consume it in moderation.

Cumin Water Preparation in Summer Season

During summer season our body tend to suffer more from excess Pitta Dosha symptoms like Acidity, Heartburn etc. When we consume excess spicy foods or Kadhas containing various spices in summer, these symptoms gets aggravated. To avoid this  follow below mentioned method to have cooling effect of Cumin water on the body and also get its benefits.

Take 2 tsp of cumin water and soak them overnight in a glass of drinking water.

Strain and drink this glass of soaked cumin water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This is one of the longest known methods to gain jeera benefits in Ayurveda practices.

If you don’t like to drink cold cumin water you can just warm it up at your desired temperature and drink it.

Cumin Water Preparation in Winter and Rainy Season

Take 2 tsp of cumin water and soak them overnight in a glass of drinking water. (Soaking is Optional)

In the morning boil this water and simmer 5 to 10 minutes. Let it cool down until it becomes warm then strain and drink it.


1. Do not over-boil the cumin water it will make cumin water bitter and can cause excess acidity, heartburn  and increased Vata and Pitta dosha in the body.

2.  1 glass of cumin water is enough for the day. Do not over-consume it.

3. Do not drink cumin water or any other Ayurvedic concoction (kadhas ) regularly for more than 3 weeks. After 3 weeks of regular consumption, take 2 weeks break and then start over again. This is a basic principle where too much of anything is bad for our health.

4. When having cumin water or any other Ayurvedic spiced concoction (kadha) one must include cooling foods in their diet like Cucumber, Oranges, Watermelons etc. Also, one should have less spicy and sattvik diet. This will balance the heating effect of the kadha inside the body.


Why don’t you try this for a few weeks see the wonderful benefits yourselves? Do let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!


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