Home Diabetes 9 foods higher in vitamin C than an orange

9 foods higher in vitamin C than an orange


When it comes to foods high in vitamin C, oranges certainly pack a punch. Indeed, many of us are familiar with the suggestion to ‘eat more oranges’ when we’re ill, to help us fight off cold and flu symptoms. But if you’re looking to give your immunity a boost, do oranges really come top of the charts? Despite their reputation, oranges only contain around 52mg of vitamin C per 100g and there are plenty of other foods which have beaten them in the running to the top spot.

Here are some examples:

Red Cabbage

A staple for adding some crunch to salads. Red Cabbage contains 55mg of vitamin C per 100g, meaning that even with a few slices you’ll be getting a good portion of your recommended 40mg per day.


Whether you roast it, steam it, or cook it with cheese (our favourite option), cauliflower is packed with vitamin C. There are 56mg in a 100g serving which is roughly a quarter of a medium sized head.


Delicious with cream or on their own as a snack. Strawberries are rich in essential nutrients, including vitamin C, with 100g containing around 57mg. Try them sliced, topped on some pancake roll ups as a treat for breakfast or brunch.


Did you know that this fuzzy fruit contained more vitamin C than an orange? One average sized kiwi contains around 35.4mg of vitamin C and you’ll be receiving around 59mg per 100g. Try sliced on some Greek yoghurt with a handful of seeds for a vitamin C boosting breakfast.


Broccoli is a rich source of vitamin C containing 79mg per 100g, which is around a third of a medium sized head. Try it fried in olive oil with garlic and a pinch of salt for a delicious side dish to pair with dinner.

Brussels Sprouts

Love them or hate them, brussels sprouts are an excellent source of vitamin C, containing 115mg per 100g. Not just for Christmas, if you’re bored of eating them boiled, try switching it up by enjoying them roasted or fried with bacon.

Green Peppers

Adding slices of pepper to your salad is an easy way to add more vitamin C to your diet. Both green and red peppers contain a similar amount of vitamin C with 1 medium green pepper containing an incredible 192mg, or around 120mg per 100g.

Spring Greens

Add a handful of spring greens to your stir fry to give your meal a vitamin C boost. Containing 180mg per 100g, spring greens come just shy of the top spot.


Coming in top of our list are blackcurrants, containing a whopping 200mg per 100g. Try them stewed and topped with cream for a quick and easy dessert.


You can find more examples of vitamin C rich foods when you join the award-winning Low Carb Program.

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