Home health remedies How to get rid of a cold quickly and easy: 15 of...

How to get rid of a cold quickly and easy: 15 of the best tips


The common cold is a lesson in humility. There’s nothing like a respiratory illness to make you sentimental about breathing through both nostrils or yearn for the glory days when you could leave the house without 5,000 packets of tissues. If you find yourself tearing up as you recall conversations you didn’t wheeze and splutter your way through, this guide is for you.

(Related: 3 wardrobe upgrades to beat the cold)

The Difference Between A Cold And The Flu 

The common cold shares similar symptoms to (man) flu, but it’s caused by a different virus. Generally speaking, colds come on gradually, are milder in nature, and don’t result in serious health problems (like pneumonia). There are more than 200 virus strains up for grabs, and believe it or not, you can catch two colds at the same time. Thanks, biology.

(Related: How to survive man flu)

the best ways to get rid of a cold

The viruses spread through the air in tiny droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Contact with your mouth, nose or eyes is enough to catch the bug – so wash your hands thoroughly and keep them to yourself. Beware: your colleagues are at their most contagious during the earliest days of a cold. Hot-desk at a distance, in other words.

Cold Symptoms

If you’re unlucky enough to be struck down with a cold, you might suffer from a sore throat, headaches, a cough, sore muscles, sneezing, a raised temperature, pressure in your ears and face, a loss of taste and smell and – most annoying of all – a runny nose, according to the NHS website.

(Related: How to flu proof your body with yoga)

how to get rid of a runny nose

So, what’s going on?

Most people believe the virus itself is the cause of your chronic nose tap and sandpaper throat. In fact, according to the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, your symptoms are actually your body’s inflammatory immune response to fight the infection. This means your sore nasal passages will continue to produce excess mucus until the virus is defeated, so don’t skimp on the Kleenex.

How To Prevent Catching A Cold? 

Unfortunately, it’s rather tricky to dodge all the germs flying around. The average man contracts up to four colds a year. However, there are a few things you can try. Enough vitamin D can certainly help. According to the University of London, staying topped up could lead to three million fewer respiratory infections in the UK annually. Carnegie Mellon University also discovered that stress slows your immune response. But the best thing you can do – other than never leaving the house – is to wash your hands regularly. The majority of cold germs are spread by hand. The door handle, the handle on your mug, your desk… now, we know it might look weird popping to the bathroom to wash your hands every time you touch something so instead, keep a bottle of antibacterial hand gel on your desk. Your hands will be germ free and your work colleagues won’t think you have a problem with your bladder. 

(Related: Obese people are more contagious than skinny people when sick)

How to get rid of a cold

Despite all your best efforts to stay clear of the infected, your nose is starting to run, your throat is scratchy and you just want to stay in bed. We feel your pain. But now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself. Now is the time for action. If you want to banish your cold quicker than you can say, “Pass me another tissue,” read on. 

how to get rid of a blocked nose

1. Get a sweat on

With your body’s inflammatory response (and nostrils) in full flow, your T- and B-lymphocytes begin their counter-attack against the infection. If your symptoms are above the neck, you can support them with a workout. Yale University found the virus replicates better at cool temperatures. One 45-minute session will simulate the physiological conditions of a fever, boosting your body temperature and, in turn, slowing your immune system’s enemies.

(Related: 3 things you must do to maintain muscle when sick)

2. Pig out

Too run-down to train? The old adage that you should feed a cold actually has legs. In a study by the Laboratory for Experimental Internal Medicine, ill subjects who were given a 1200kcal meal experienced a 450% increase in gamma interferon, a compound that supercharges your immunity. Let food be thy medicine.

symptoms of a cold

3. Pop a probiotic

Probiotic microorganisms reduce your body’s inflammatory response, so they’ll help to soothe your immune system’s reaction. A study review published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that probiotics, specifically Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains, cut the illness duration by one day on average.

(Related: The MH guide to alternative immunity)

4. Zinc yourself better

Keen to break out of the duvet day cycle as quickly as possible? Zinc acetate lozenges reduce the duration and severity of the common cold by around three days, according to the University of Helsinki. Too much zinc can be harmful, so don’t go overboard. The NHS suggests taking no more than 25mg of zinc supplements a day.

colds: the best remedies

5. Get some shut-eye

Your immune system releases proteins called cytokines when you’re asleep, and your body needs extra stocks to fight a virus. Struggling to get your Z’s in? Try getting in the tub. Raising your skin temperature with a hot bath helps your core body temperature to dip – essential for initiating sound sleep, according to a study by University of South Australia.

(Related: What should I do on a sick day?)

6. Stay fluid

You lose a lot of water when you’re sweating out under a duvet. Not only will drinking plenty of water help to thin mucus and break up congestion, but it also keeps the headaches and fatigue associated with dehydration at bay. Lay off coffee, sports drinks, fruit juices and alcohol – they’ll do nothing to supercharge your recovery.

colds: the best ways to get rid of one

7. Chow down on chicken soup

Comforting and delicious, chicken soup is your best defence against a killer cold. It’s an easy way to pack in plenty of vitamins, minerals and protein when you’re sick, and a simple source of fluids and electrolytes. According to a study published in the journal Chest, chicken soup has an anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting the white blood cells that are responsible for your symptoms.

8. Avoid inflammatory foods

You know how important fruit and vegetables are in your quest for clear sinuses. But which foods should you avoid? Between 70 and 80 per cent of your immune cells are located in your gut, so don’t let snacks sabotage your recovery. Foods like refined carbohydrates, red meat, processed meat, fried foods, sugar and dairy worsen the inflammatory response your body triggers to fight the infection.

(Related: 7 immune-boosting superfoods to tackle flu season)

the easiest ways to get rid of a cold

9. Up your vitamin C

Immune cells contain high concentrations of vitamin C, and your body burns through them pretty quickly when you’re sick. One study found that a daily dose of 200mg vitamin C reduced the duration of cold symptoms by an average of 8 per cent in adults. Beware, sugar molecules compete with vitamin C for absorption, according to research published in American Journal of Nephrology. The more sugar you eat, the less vitamin C you’ll have.

(Related: Your complete guide to B vitamins)

10. Clove up

Not only does garlic have antibacterial and antifungal properties, it contains immune system-boosting compounds that can boost your recovery time. In a study from the University of Florida, colds were 61 per cent shorter for participants who ate 2.56 grams of aged garlic extract each day, and their colds were also less severe.

(Related: How to give your immune system a booster)

the quickest ways to get rid of a cold

11. Reach for raw honey

Raw honey is packed with antioxidants and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A spoonful coats your throat, acting as an effective cough suppressant. A child study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found that participants who ate about half a tablespoon of honey at bedtime slept better and coughed less than those given a placebo.

12. Shore up your glutathione

Often referred to as ‘the mother of all antioxidants’ by dramatic hippies, glutathione strengthens your immune system and helps your body rid itself of toxins, so topping up when you’re ill is a no-brainer. It’s comprised largely of three amino acids, glutamine, glycine, and cysteine, which means a high quality whey protein shake will do the job nicely.

(Related: If a protein diet leaves you hungry, try adding these)

beginner's guide to getting rid of a cold

13. Grate some ginger

Ginger contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory chemicals that have been proven to act on rhinoviruses, the most predominant cause of the common cold. Add freshly chopped ginger to boiling water and let it steep for some relief – the steam from the drink will help ease congestion, too.

14. Eat oily fish

Salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout and herring are all packed with immune system-boosting Omega 3 fatty acids, which also prevent future infections by producing antibodies. Their potent anti-inflammatory properties will help to relieve those irritating coughs and sneezes, too. Not a fish fan? Supp it up.

(Related: How to offset your sweet tooth with fish)

what do I do when I get a cold?

15. Visit your pharmacist

Bring out the symptom-specific big guns. Anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen will help to relieve aches and pains, while paracetamol will bring your fever under control. A decongestant will clear your airways and an antihistamine will put the brakes on that running nose. Lozenges, meanwhile, will help to soothe the sting of a sore throat. It doesn’t make you less of a man asking for help. 

How to get rid of a blocked nose

Struggling to breath? Unable to taste your mum’s homemade tomato soup? 

“A saline nasal spray can help unblock the nose,” recommends Dr Andrew Thornber, chief medical officer at Now Patient. Placing a warm, wet towel over your face can also provide sweet relief, by increasing blood flow to the area.

(Related: Beat bad bacteria with these tricks)

can I prevent a cold?

Inhale steam to ease congestion, adds Dr Thornber. “Have a hot bath or shower, or pop your head over a bowl of hot water, and inhale the steam.” Add a few drops of essential oils, like eucalyptus or peppermint, to help open your airways.

How to get rid of a runny nose

None of the above working? “Drink lots of hot drinks,” says Dr Thornber. “By adding lemon to your hot water, or by adding an anti-inflammatory herb such as chamomile, you add a dose of antibacterial and antiviral properties as well.” Staying hydrated thins your mucus, helping it drain faster from your nose and sinuses.

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