Home Health Care INVEST Digital Health combines consumer and employer perspectives in healthcare

INVEST Digital Health combines consumer and employer perspectives in healthcare


The post-pandemic workplace reflects the profound impact the public health crisis has had on how employers regard employees and expectations employees have for how employers treat them. More than 80% of organizations surveyed by Mercer, for example, have introduced new wellbeing benefits as a direct result of the pandemic, according to a 2021 report. Employees expect companies to provide a safe work environment with greater flexibility and attention to their physical and mental well being, according to data from another report from Mercer focused on employees.

The employee survey from Mercer revealed that for the 62% who felt supported by their employer during the pandemic, just under half (44%) said they are less likely to leave their job as a result.

The MedCity INVEST Digital Health conference in Dallas, scheduled for September 28, will zero in on digital health topics and trends in the context of employer and employee healthcare concerns. Here’s a preview of the agenda for INVEST Digital Health, which will be held in partnership with the healthcare accelerator Health Wildcatters.

To register, click here.

Metaverse in healthcare

Companies like Facebook and others are betting on an immersive, 360-degree virtual world rich with different experiences. What would that look like in the world of healthcare? Hear from healthcare futurists and forward thinkers and even skeptics on the metaverse in healthcare.

Can mental illness be addressed with technology and without drugs?

The pandemic and the isolation that it unleashed has brought mental health concerns to the fore. There has to be a strategy for addressing this epidemic but the question can this be done without drugs? Hear from tech companies that are aiming to leverage digital tools to address anxiety and depression.

Improving the financial experience in healthcare

Patient and consumer satisfaction isn’t only about better outcomes. It’s very much about the financial journey they have to endure. Whether it be prescription costs, costs for a hospital stay, or financial toxicity that can lead to medical bankruptcies, there’s a lot to be said about the financial experience in healthcare. How do we ensure that people don’t have to endure greater financial burdens while tackling troubling illnesses or chronic conditions?

How to solve the last mile problem and reach the consumer?

Selling health services or products directly to consumers is not as easy as selling them smartphones or gaming consoles. In the past, many companies have started in the direct-to-consumer world before pivoting to the enterprise. But could the tide be turning? Is direct-to-consumer healthcare becoming a thing after the pandemic? Or can b-to-b startups bring traditional healthcare in direct contact with the end customer, be it through at-home care, testing and other services? Learn from an expert group.

Can tech tools help employers wrangle health costs lower?

Employers have a plethora of solutions being sent their way to help them manage costs and provide great healthcare benefits to their employees. But are these new-fangled benefits truly helping them lower costs and engage employees?

Pitch Perfect: Employee benefits

Startups in this category are next-gen insurance companies, care navigation companies, or any startup that helps in improving and providing an ROI on employee benefits. Stay tuned for application details.

To apply to speak at the conference, click here.

To be a sponsor for the conference, contact advertising@medcitynews.com.

Photo: AndreyPopov, Getty Images

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