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Meet the startups taking part in the Health IT track for INVEST Precision Medicine Pitch Perfect


The INVEST Precision Medicine conference June 9-11, which will be held online, will explore a wide range of topics from advancing breakthrough therapies for rare disease and cancer, genetic testing, health equity, pediatric innovation and more.

To view the full agenda, click here. To register free of charge, click here.

But like all of MedCity’s events, startups will be in the spotlight as well.  The startup pitch contest Pitch Perfect has a Health IT track, scheduled for June 9 from 3:30-5pm ET and a Life Science track scheduled for June 10 from 3:30pm-5pm ET. Earlier this week we previewed the life science track companies. Here’s a look at the companies in the Health IT track:

BioXplor has developed a proprietary biomedical data platform and product suite of tools and algorithms for clinical responder analysis, drug combinations and indication expansion.

Intellihealth is a medical technology company transforming the perception and treatment of obesity. Built on 30 years of clinical experience, our data-driven technology allows us to tackle the obesity epidemic at scale by equipping any medical provider with a comprehensive, turnkey solution for treating patients with obesity either remotely or in-person. Our software integrates with EHRs to improve outcomes and drive cost savings by personalizing and optimizing the diagnosis, prescriptive process, and comprehensive therapy plan to treat obesity as a disease. Providers benefit from new revenue through more effective patient interactions and optimized billing, while payers and self-insured organizations achieve significant health-related cost savings through a healthier workforce.

Vocalis Health is an AI healthtech company pioneering the development of vocal biomarkers – where health-related information is derived from analysis of people’s voice recordings – to screen, detect, monitor and predict health symptoms, conditions and diseases. Vocalis Health is currently focused on screening users for Covid-19 and on monitoring patients with chronic diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and Pulmonary Hypertension.

PhenoBiome is on a mission to become the gold standard for developing microbiome-based solutions, from assay development to therapeutics, across human, animal, and agritech markets.

AIQ Solutions has developed a revolutionary software technology that will change the way clinicians manage complex diseases such as metastatic cancer and neurological disorders. The cloud-based platform provides unique, early intelligence to predict both treatment effectiveness and toxicity risk from longitudinal imaging data. AIQ’s technology does not diagnosis disease; rather it enables the clinical team to make real-time, patient-specific adjustments to therapy, which helps improve outcomes while reducing healthcare system costs. AIQ has built and validated its product, achieved FDA clearance, and is on track to recognize $1 million in revenue in 2021. The company is actively seeking a $10 million Series A-1 to support commercialization activities.

Judges for the track include:
Andrea Jackson, Director, Northpond Ventures
Alyssa Jaffee, Partner, 7wireVentures
Taha Jangda, Partner, HealthX Ventures

Photo: Adam Taylor, Getty Images

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