Home health remedies Scrotal Testosterone Cream – Can it Increase Libido ?

Scrotal Testosterone Cream – Can it Increase Libido ?


Scrotal testosterone cream is a topical medication used to treat low testosterone levels in men. It is applied directly to the scrotal skin, where it is absorbed and increases the levels of testosterone in the bloodstream. It is typically used as an alternative to other forms of testosterone replacement therapy, such as injections or gels.

What is Scrotal Testosterone Cream?

Testosterone replacement therapy is a viable treatment option for men who have low testosterone levels caused by age or hypogonadism.

There are numerous ways testosterone products can be administered. The most popular method consists of injections which are done directly on the shoulder or quadriceps muscle.

However, there is also the option to apply testosterone as a cream or gel directly on the skin. There are numerous parts of the body where the cream can be used, such as on the abdominal area, armpits, and even on the scrotum.

How can you apply testosterone cream on the scrotum?

There are unique formulations which are designed to be applied directly on the scrotal skin. Men should rub a few drops of cream between their palms and apply it on the scrotum, massaging the area gently.

It’s important to mention that you shouldn’t shower for a couple of hours after application. Also, other people shouldn’t touch the area where testosterone cream has been applied because it can cause irritations or rashes. After applying testosterone cream, make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly to avoid spreading this product to other objects which might get in contact with people.

What’s the relationship between DHT blood level and testosterone cream?

DHT is also known as dihydrotestosterone, and It’s metabolized from testosterone. This hormone is essential for having a good sex drive and libido. However, if one has too much DHT in this bloodstream, this can lead to hair loss problems or acne.  

Is DHT Man’s Friend or Enemy?

It has been discovered that testosterone cream can significantly influence the levels of DHT in the body. One study from the Andrology Volume #5 from 2017 suggests that testosterone cream applied directly on the scrotum can significantly increase the DHT levels of the patient.

This type of treatment option is ideal for people who have low DHT levels due to taking DHT inhibitors or for other reasons. Increasing DHT levels normal ranges will also improve sex drive, mood, and libido.

Is it safe to apply testosterone cream on the scrotal skin?

Most scrotal testosterone creams are formulated with alcohol content in them, so they are not suitable for applying on the scrotal skin.

However, you can obtain testosterone creams without alcohol content from compounding pharmacies. A compounding pharmacy formulates testosterone products based on the specific requirements of each person.

Such creams contain no alcohol, and they are suitable for applying on scrotal skin.

What is the recommended dosage for testosterone cream on scrotum?

This is something that only your doctor can tell you. However, as a general rule of thumb, most patients start with two clicks of scrotal testosterone cream per day. That amounts to approximately 100mg (2 x 50mg).

The dose can be increased or decreased depending on how your TRT progresses. Make sure that you talk to your doctor before increasing or decreasing the dose. Reaching doses higher than 200mg per day can be detrimental to your health, so avoid that.

What is the absorption rate of testosterone cream applied to the scrotum in comparison with other skin areas?

Researchers have discovered that most topical applications of testosterone have an absorption rate of approximately 10%.

This means that roughly 10% of the content of the cream is absorbed through the skin, and it gets metabolized by the body. In this case, we talk about skin areas such as the abdomen, armpits, etc. However, applying testosterone cream directly on the scrotum has an absorption rate of 50-60%.

When this type of cream gets in contact with the scrotal skin, it begins to convert a higher amount of testosterone into DHT. That’s why a testosterone cream on the scrotum is ideal for increasing your DHT levels if necessary.

What is the bioavailability of testosterone when applied on the scrotum in comparison with other skin routes?

Studies were done on multiple patients using LC‐MS assay measurements and revealed that testosterone bioavailability is eight times higher when it’s applied on the scrotum instead of other skin areas.

This means that the testosterone gets absorbed into the system quicker. As a general rule of thumb, most men see marked improvements in their general health in about a week after starting treatment. They will begin feeling better, having more libido, a better state of mind, and an increased sex drive.

Should testosterone cream be applied on shaved scrotal skin?

The answer is yes. Applying on a shaved, dry, and clean scrotal skin facilitates the absorption of testosterone into the bloodstream and makes it easier for men to reach the desired levels of serum testosterone.

Who should use testosterone creams?

Testosterone creams with no alcohol content, which can be applied on the scrotum are ideal for a significant number of people.

For example, do you have a fear of needles? If so then a testosterone cream on scrotum might be a better option for you instead of injecting this hormone using a syringe. Some hypogonadal men don’t like or don’t find it easier to inject testosterone so that cream might be more suitable for them in this case.

Also, how are your DHT levels? Studies have found out that abnormal DHT levels can cause reduced sexual drive, hair loss problems, and even a predisposition to strokes.

Certain men use DHT blockers for various reasons during their TRT, and their DHT levels might be low. Scrotal testosterone cream is an excellent option for increasing DHT levels and restoring peak sexual performance in men.

Can I also inject while using testosterone cream?

Yes, this is an option too. Some men prefer to take their testosterone hormones via injections. At the same time, they also have low DHT levels, and the testosterone injections are not sufficient for increasing them quickly enough.

In this case, a combination of testosterone injections and creams can be prescribed by the TRT doctor. This will help to increase the DHT levels and get more testosterone into the system safely and conveniently.

Why injecting is not always the best option?

Injecting testosterone can sometimes be difficult, especially for men who travel a lot or have different skin conditions. You have to carry syringes with you all the times as well as other testosterone products and accessories. After using these syringes, you need to safely discard them and buy brand new ones.

On the other hand, testosterone creams can be formulated by compounding pharmacies and placed in small tubes which are easy to carry. You can apply early in the morning on the dry scrotal skin and late at night before going to bed.

Should I monitor my DHT levels when using testosterone cream?

Absolutely! Remember that too much DHT in your bloodstream may also a bad thing, and it can cause multiple problems, including acne and hair loss.

Make sure that you speak with your TRT doctor when using testosterone creams and ask him how often should you check your DHT blood level. If your doctor doesn’t want to consider monitoring your DHT levels, then don’t use testosterone creams or find a different TRT doctor.

What should I expect when using testosterone cream to increase my DHT levels?

Patients have different results, depending on their hormonal levels at the beginning of the treatment. However, DHT levels may increase above 30 % in the first days of the treatment.

It’s important to know that these are average and temporary levels. You should carefully monitor your DHT levels to find something suitable for you. Talk to your doctor and check your DHT levels often, as well as your PSA level.

PSA stands for prostate-specific antigen, and it’s a substance produced by the prostate. It has been associated with various prostate issues such as prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia, etc. Having a high PSA level may be indicative of prostatitis or prostate cancer.

Since DHT can increase PSA production, it’s reasonable to monitor your PSA levels too while using testosterone cream. If your doctor tells you that your PSA levels have increased, reduce the dosage or frequency of the testosterone cream.

You also need to know that you don’t necessarily need to use a testosterone cream every day. Some people use it once every week or once every two weeks to keep their DHT levels in the normal range and to enjoy a better sex life.

Does testosterone cream interfere with other supplements or medication?

This is a good question and although more studies need to be done, it has been discovered that supplementing with creatine can increase the production of DHT.

A study done on 20 rugby players revealed that DHT production could be increased by daily creatine supplementation. For example, these professional athletes were taking creatine regularly for up to 7 days, a thing which is known as the “loading phase.”

After seven days, their DHT blood level increased by 56%. At the same time, the ratio of testosterone to DHT increased by 36% after the same period. These athletes continued supplementation with creatine for another 14 days, and their DHT levels remained elevated. When it comes to testosterone, creatine supplementation did not affect it.

From this, we can learn that it’s important to be mindful when it comes to combining creatine with testosterone cream. If you want to enjoy more explosive power at the gym by taking creatine, make sure that you discuss this with your TRT doctor when he is prescribing testosterone cream to you. It’s essential to avoid having increased levels of DHT because this can lead to various health problems.

What else should I know about testosterone creams?

As mentioned earlier, some testosterone creams or gels are formulated with specific chemicals or alcohol content. They might be safe for other parts of the skin, but not on the scrotum.

For example, creams and gels such as Fortesta, Testim, Androgel, and Axiron are known to cause serious burns and rashes on the scrotal skin if misapplied or in high quantities. Make sure that you avoid them and go for special creams formulated by compounding pharmacies. These pharmacies can create testosterone creams without the alcohol content.

How to apply testosterone cream effectively?

Studies show that scrotal delivery of testosterone cream and gels ensure maximum absorption for testosterone and significantly increases the DHT levels.

The same studies also reveal that applying testosterone cream on a larger portion of the skin can maximize the increase of DHT. This was called the four site application versus one site. In the first study, testosterone cream was applied to a limited area of the skin while in the second one, it was applied on four times greater scrotal skin area.

The results showed that serum DHT levels were higher with an application on four sites in comparison with a single site. This means that it’s a good idea to apply testosterone cream on multiple skin places to avoid skin irritations and to make the absorption of testosterone more effective. It’s a viable option for increasing DHT levels faster too.

Check your DHT levels today!

Before using testosterone creams, it’s crucial to have a lengthy discussion with your TRT doctors. These products are ideal for increasing your DHT levels and helping you enjoy a better sex drive, enhanced libido, and better performance in bed.

However, you should check your hormonal levels first. This can be done using different types of tests that can be bought from  DiscountedLabs.

For example, you can check your DHT levels using a simple blood test. As mentioned earlier, it’s vital to check those levels regularly and do other tests. For example, checking your prostate health using a PSA blood test would be ideal to avoid prostate issues, including cancer.

At the same time, you can also check your testosterone levels using a blood test ordered from DiscountedLabs. The results of these tests should be discussed with your TRT doctor to see if they fall in normal ranges.



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